Posts tagged meditation
Coming Home to Loving Awareness - Part 2

The spiritual journey is not about seeking refuge in a concept like, “heaven where things aren’t messy and you’ll never experience pain.” As Rumi said: “the cure is in the pain.” This blog post addresses loving-awareness, mindfulness meditation, and how the spiritual journey isn’t about ascending to paradise, it’s about coming home to yourself.

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Listening to Nature - Part 2

Nature is a powerful reminder of all the intimate experiences that we go through as humans. This blog post explores the parallels between our external environment and our internal environment, and how listening to nature—your nature—lead you to the answers that you may be seeking.

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What's Really So Scary About The Coronavirus?

Most of life is outside of our control. This has been true all of our lives, and it’s in poignant moments, like in the face of a global pandemic, that one must confront this deeply uncomfortable reality. What is it about the coronavirus that triggers our survival reaction and how might this be an opportunity for us to respond in a more conscious and mindful way?

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The Trance of Never Enough: How Meditation Can Help With Wanting More

Why is it that we always feel like we never have enough and how can meditation bring a sense of awareness to our longing for more? On today’s blog post, we’ll explore the trance of Never Enough and a meditation technique that can teach you to begin to let go of that attachment to pleasure.

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Naming Emotions - Guided Meditation

In this ten minute guided meditation we turn to the practice of naming emotions. As we develop self awareness of our emotional state we can develop our capacity to respond wisely to challenging situations.

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Concentration As Letting Go - Guided Meditation

This is a quick, 5 minute meditation. We often associate concentration with a need to exert effort and control, when in fact we need the opposite: to let go of thoughts.

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Welcoming Thoughts - Introductory Guide to Meditation

This is a five minute set of instructions for the kind of attitude we want to cultivate when practicing mindfulness meditation.

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Loving Kindness - Guided Meditation

This short, online, guided meditation allows you to cultivate that quality of loving kindness towards yourself and others.

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